January Newsletter
Note from Admin:
Salaams Parents! We have had a busy month. In January, we celebrated 100 days of learning at Shine. Students enjoyed a day of activities involving the number #100 including counting, coloring, and writing about one hundred. Thank you for working with your child on their 100th day t-shirt. The children enjoyed sharing their 100-item creations. At the end of the day, we came together and made a friendship snack mix and enjoyed the mix of delicious treats.
Thank you for meeting with your child's teacher for conferences. We strive to provide the best learning experience for Shine students and could not do it without your support. Collaboration amongst home and school is key to enhancing your child's learning outcome.
We celebrated the Wiladat of Imam Ali. The students dressed their best and shared what they knew about Imam and his love for others. This remembrance is a reflection of the love for Allah and the Prophet Muhammad as Imam Ali (A.S) holds a special place in the hearts of the believers.
To celebrate Father's Day, our dads participated in a Mad Science program. Dads and the children learned about the states matter and had fun making dry ice bubbles. Our dads and children then enjoyed some chai and mandazi. Thank you for participating in this special Fathers' Day!! U
Upcoming Important Dates:
February 14th- Animal Superpowers In-School Program by Seminole County Natural Lands. Imam Mahdi Birthday celebration
February 17- School is Closed February 26th- Field Trip to Leu Gardens. Information to follow Teacher's Wishlist: Please see Below:)
The Pre-K class kicked off the new year by learning about the states of Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, and Louisiana. We focused on the letters Nn, Oo, Pp, and Qq, and incorporated hands-on activities, like Show & Tell every Friday, to help the children actively participate and share.
In Pre-K 4, the students have been excelling with sight word practice. In math, they’ve been exploring number stories using the five-frame tool.
The Pre-K 3 class has been working hard on writing their names and recognizing both uppercase and lowercase letters, including their sounds and formation. In math, they are practicing counting, identifying numbers 11-20, and learning to color or circle the correct number.
The Pre-K 2 class has been engaging in a variety of hands-on activities throughout the day, with a focus on the letter A and the number 1 to support their learning in an interactive way.
Additionally, we've been learning about transportation and discussing the different things we see on the road. We will soon be exploring land, air, and water transportation and gaining knowledge about public transportation.
In ELA, we learned about various consonant teams including “NK” and “NG.” We learned about compound words, cause and effect, and descriptive words. We read various stories about a boy who shrank, penguins and their characteristics, a friendly fox, a day at the pond, and more.
In math, we finished chapter eight regarding number bonds and started chapter nine regarding addition problems.
In science, we learned about the unique parts of a flower, we planted our own seeds, created “blooming flowers,” and learned various terms including limbs, life cycles, traits, characteristics, and the five senses.
In Islamic studies, we have learned and discussed our Prophets, the 14 Masu’meen, and we have started our unit regarding salah and adhan.
Grade 1 and 2
Salaamun Alaykum Parents,
The new year has been busy and full of discovery in 1st and 2nd grade! In math, our first graders have been measuring and comparing using various different units. Our second graders have been learning strategies on how to add 2 and 3-digit numbers mentally!
In ELA, we have been learning about contractions, similies, metaphors, onomatopoeia, and more! We read about different US Symbols including Mt Rushmore and brainstormed different ways to get a bear out of a tree when we read “Brainstorm Bear!”
In science, we have begun our unit on Stars. The students have been learning about the North Star and how different constellations appear during various seasons, such as winter, summer, fall, and spring. They have also been engaging in hands-on activities, including creating their own constellations.
In Islamic studies, we have started our unit on Prophets, focusing on Prophet Adam, Prophet Dawud, and Prophet Yunus. We are exploring the lessons we can learn from their stories. Additionally, we are covering topics on Etiquette, such as cleanliness, restroom manners, and eating and drinking manners.
Grade 3
This month we returned to multiplication and division tables. We tackled the trickiest multiplication tables 6-9. Students created multiplication wheels and used them to try and recall 1-12.
In ELA we began our unit on world leaders. This ties in with our social studies on bodies of government. We learned about Julius Caesar and his many accomplishments as well as his tragic end. Students started writing poetry and worked on acrostic poems. In phonics we focused on suffixes, what they mean and how to add them to the end of words to change their meaning
In science we completed our periodic table unit. We had lots of fun experiments making slime, strengthening the shell of an egg, and cleaning pennies. In Islamic studies we focused on nabuwwah and imamah. Specifically we discussed our 12th Imam and how we should wait for him. What are things that we can do as we wait? Students gave lots of ideas like writing in our journals, praying, fasting and being good Muslims.